In this section you can find out about how we teach Religious Education  at Down Hall.

At Down Hall Primary School, our aim is that Religious Education will help children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of principal religions represented in Great Britain, to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour and develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgments about religious and moral issues.

We follow the Saffron academy trust (SAT) approved RE scheme to teach RE across our school.

We follow the below coverage map to make sure we teach about a number of religions, and cover all 3 RE lenses: theology, philosophy and human & social science.

During sessions, we follow a 5 step approach: Modelled Exemplar - Guided Practice - Independent Practice (My Turn - Our Turn - Your Turn). This approach - which is a consistent feature of the scheme from EYFS to Year 6 - allows for often complex concepts and applied activities to be broken down into small steps, allowing all pupils to engage and succeed. 

RE on a page - revised (1).pdf